Residential School QIRS

Tony Stevenson

  • Attended QIRS residential school for 10 years.
  • Recruited by and worked in two law firms specifically on the residential school compensation process.
  • Received the Diamond Jubilee medal for past work on the abuse awareness project.
  • Was recognized, along with Ms. Gayle Johnson V.P. of Conexus Credit Union, by Saskatchewan’s Chamber of Commerce and Abex Awards Committee for creating a First Nations Partnership Work Program.

Allow me to commend you for the work you are doing to lift up your people. I could not be more proud that my work provides you with fuel for such a righteous fight." - World Class Bassist Mr. Darryl "Munch" Jones, Chigaco, Illinois   

 listen to the Prime Ministers Apology here on this link.  

(I named this site MJ's Ole Skool Crew to honour my wife/partner, Marcie Joan. She also attended the residential school in Lebret at a young age. That is her in the pic and myself - holding my skates -  along with the qirs school and how it looked in the 80's. Also, Big thanks to my Brother Ted Nolan - a real leader and trail blazer for our people, Justice Kenn Bellerose, and my Mom. I hope one day to meet you and share these experiences to create an unforgetable educational experience.)